Chapter 10

The second week in Appaloosa Plains rolled by much quicker than the first for the twelve Pelican Town residents. Mostly due to the fact that they had grown to accept their current predicament and worked to stay busy in the hopes that they would discover more and more ways to accomplish the Wizard’s mysterious quest and return home. Well, most of them stayed busy doing things that were productive.

During that time at least one eventful moment happened to each one of them.

Emily continued to keep constant vigil over Shane during his long healing process. He went another 36 hours hooked up to the IV and since Harvey gave the okay for him to have flavored water and juice, not soda, he felt more able to keep an adequate amount of fluids in his system on his own. That evening, while Shane slept, Harvey came in and carefully removed the IV and disappeared before the man could even stir per Emily’s previous request. Her first goal for Shane was to get him up and moving more and see if he felt ready to leave the room and possibly interact with a couple of the other guys, except Harvey of course. She knew he wasn’t ready to see the Doctor, in more ways than just because of his dislike for him.

Shane was none too thrilled at the idea of seeing any of the others yet – but certainly happy to be rid of that awful “IV contraption” – and he expressed exactly why to sweet Emily in a tone that was not very appreciated by her. It was as if because freedom had been granted to him, he could continue on as his normal callous self, carelessly spewing out everything that irked him about the people on the other side of the door, as well as what he hated about his life, Pelican Town, and the whole experience in getting clean.


While Emily knew he was still feeling some agitation due to the withdrawal, she would not stand for his tone towards her regardless and he needed to know it. He also needed to learn that he couldn’t treat people in such a manner if things were ever going to change for the better for him. 

“Excuse me,” she interrupted him, “but I will NOT be spoken to like this, I don’t care how pissed off you are! You will show me kindness and respect just as I’ve shown it to you.”
Once again Shane was nonplussed at her forthrightness. “You don’t understand,” he sneered, “you may think you understand me and my problems, but you don’t! My life has always been hell, always one thing after the other, and now–”
“Lower your tone.”
“Geez, will you let me finish!?”
“Not with that attitude!”
Shane gave her an annoyed and piercing glare, to which Emily threw one right back.


“You need a major attitude adjustment,” she finally said. “In case you haven’t noticed, ALL of us have loads of crap we’re dealing with in our lives, trucking through our own personal hell, but at least most of us have the decency to not let it out on others, especially toward those who are so gracious to us even when we don’t deserve it!” She didn’t mean to be so harsh, but she knew he needed to hear it. 

Her words caused Shane’s furrowed eyebrows to relax and turn his gaze away from her. He knew what she was referring to.


Why was she continually doing this to him? he thought. Making him stop and think about his behavior and how abnormal it is, creating unwanted feelings of remorse. It bothered him to no end. At the same time, it brought on odd feelings of arousal to which he kept trying to squelch. I’m not attracted to her!

Feeling her fiery eyes still pointed at him, he couldn’t stand it any longer and had to diffuse them immediately. “Look…I’m sorry alright,” he said a very matter-of-fact tone.

“I don’t think you mean that,” Emily countered, at the same time hoping it would pull up some necessary feels.


Shane closed his eyes to prevent them from rolling into his head and cursed within it. This had never been an easy thing for him to do, nor anything he liked to do. He was perfectly happy going about life the past few years never having to apologize for anything after his best friends died; purposely shutting everyone out or making them hate him in order to prevent more heartache. But now that someone actually decided to care about him, he was feeling the pull to care back. Even if that meant becoming vulnerable. And it was frightening. But he just had to make her stop boring her anger and disappointment into his soul through her fiery eyes once and for all.

“I’m sorry,” he said with much more sincerity this time, clapping his hands together as if begging for good measure. “You’re right, I had no right to raise my voice at you like that…not after all you’ve done for me.”


So he has noticed, Emily thought. The glare in her eyes softened, feeling his sincerity, so she lowered her defensive stance. “Thank you,” she said with appreciation.

Shane felt a surge of relief. He didn’t like this hidden assertive side to the kind and cheerful bartender at all. It didn’t suit her and he began to wonder…was it just him that brought out the worst in her? The thought felt somewhat…bothersome.

“I think what your problem is,” Emily carefully began by saying, interrupting his thoughts, “you keep all your emotions bottled up because you’re too afraid to confide in anyone, so the moment someone gives you the simplest interaction you can’t help but explode. It’s not healthy to hold everything you’re feeling so deep within yourself and truthfully, it just makes you feel worse. Ask me how I know this…” She thought about her sister. No one pushed her buttons the way Haley did.
“That’s why I’d go to the bottle,” Shane admitted. “I could pour out all my woes to it without speaking and it’s contents would take them all away.” Just thinking of drinking again caused his hands to twitch a bit.
“But did it really?” she questioned.
He lowered his gaze and begrudgingly shook his head.
“And now that’s no longer an option for you,” she noted. “That method was killing you…so now you have to learn to turn to another resource. Like a therapist or…a friend.” She hoped he was beginning to consider her a friend.
The thought made Shane gulp. “I don’t know how to talk to anybody. I don’t want to talk to anybody.”
“Well that’s going to have to change…or all this painful effort to become sober will have been in vain.”
“I didn’t ask for this…”
Well tough! You needed it! Emily drew in a breath and slowly released it to keep her cool. “I know…but it’s the best thing that could’ve ever happened to you Shane, when it may not have been possible otherwise.”


“I dunno about that…”
“Look, you can practice talking to me,” she willingly offered. “I know we’re still getting to know each other, but…I promise I’ll just listen…and not say a word unless you want me to. Ok?” She bent her head to lock eyes with him, hoping deeply that he would trust her and feel comfortable confiding in her. If he could do it when he was dead drunk, he could certainly do it while sober.


His eyes met hers, unable to speak.
Tenderly she placed a hand upon his shoulder and whispered, “Let me help you.”

Shane then crossed his arms over his chest. “Haven’t you already been doing that?”
“Helping you with your physical needs, yes,” Emily answered, “but now it is time to get help with your mental health needs. There is no shame in doing so.”
“So now that I’m no longer a drunk I’m a nutjob?” he slightly huffed, pressing his forefingers into his forehead. It was beginning to ache.
“No,” she assured, gripping his arm with care. “Just someone who’s held back so many emotions for way too long and it’s festering; to the point that you can’t even be your true self. It needs to be treated just like any other illness and simply talking about it is exactly how you’re going to fix it.” Her gaze pierced him again. “Alcohol is out, you got it? For good. It’s no longer your friend and never was. It’s time to let people back into your life, people who can help. Gradually of course. You know it is the way…the way to keep your promise.”
His eyes glistened at the mention.
“You can do this Shane.” A proud smile played across her lips. “You already are.” 

For some strange reason to him, Shane felt this sliver of desire to hug her, but that was never his thing. He wasn’t sure what he ever did to deserve such care and kindness from her, but he was determined to figure it out. For now, his head ached so he rubbed at his temples and eyes. He could no longer ignore how feeble his legs were becoming either. “Fine,” he simply uttered, squeezing his eyes shut. “I need to sit down.”
“Sure,” Emily recognized, helping him to the bed even though it was just a couple of steps away.

Once Shane sat down he leaned over and buried his face into his hands. All those deeply suppressed, almost foreign, emotions were rapidly floating back up to the surface and he didn’t like it. He struggled greatly to hold them back.

Emily sat down right beside him and tenderly ran a hand up and down his back. “Should I get you some headache medicine?” she asked.
“No…I’m fine.”
“I REALLY don’t want to talk about anything,” he exclaimed with a choke, lifting his face from his hands, “because it’s…just…too…”

Then he lost it.

His shoulders jerked suddenly, startling Emily for a second, as he began spluttering; trying to force it all away by rapidly shaking his head, but failing. Tears coursed down his cheeks. “I don’t want to…,” he choked again and sniffed.
“Hey,” Emily soothed, wrapping her arms around his chest and giving him a squeeze. His shoulders shook all the more by her loving touch, encouraging surrender. “Sometimes…you don’t have to say anything,” she paused, gulping from the tightness developing in her throat. “You just let it all out.”
“But I still don’t want to,” he continued to resist, shaking his head again.
“I know…shh. But it’s okay. It’s okay,” she reiterated, tears welling up in her eyes. “Let it all out.”


He did, and that’s the way he continued throughout the rest of the day. Even though her stomach rumbled greatly, Emily didn’t dare leave his side for a second.


Harvey and Maru spent a considerable amount of time during the past week compounding all of the basic, over the counter medications missing in the world as well as a few not so common ones – that usually require a prescription. “Just in case,” Harvey said. Those medications were encouraged after spending a bit of time with Elliott exploring the World-Wide-Web doing research on common and more specifically uncommon illnesses in the world compared to their own. Harvey’s number one priority was to be as prepared as possible for any medical situation or emergency that may arise; keeping true to his promise that he would bring every single one of them back home safely.



Now when it came to inventing needful medical equipment that was unavailable – he still lacked the very helpful blood pressure cuff – that was proving to be a bit more tricky and challenging than the compounding. However he was determined to press on and get as creative as possible “jerry-rigging” things together while still keeping in mind the safety of the patient.

He couldn’t ever remember working this hard in his entire medical career and it was quite the rush!

With help and input from Penny, Harvey turned the reading nook in his grand bedroom into an exam/hospital room, due to the lack of a better space. They found a room divider to give it some much needed privacy. It wasn’t the perfect set up, but it would have to do for now. Life in this world was beginning to feel a little more complete to the Doctor and it comforted him.

“It looks great,” Penny told him, wrapping her arms around his neck from behind and nuzzling her cheek against his.


“Thanks to you,” he sweetly said. “It looks almost exactly like one of the exam rooms at my clinic, only the wall color here is darker. How did you manage that?”
She smirked. “I had a lot of time to study the room while I was nervously waiting for you to enter.”
He chuckled, blushing at the same time. “I didn’t see you that often did I?”
“No, I was just that nervous.”
Laughing, he turned and planted a kiss upon her lips. Penny might’ve popped her leg up in the process.

For Maru, combining her smarts with Harvey’s to compound all the medicines was especially empowering. She was decent at chemistry and a genius in robotics and astronomy, but this helped her to discover that she would do well in Pharmaceuticals back home, if she desired. It certainly opened up another door. Her Dad would be so proud and she couldn’t wait to tell him all about it. Even Sebastian was thoroughly impressed with his baby sister’s skills and that was heartwarming for her to see and hear.



Harvey was an amazing teacher and they made a great team. Just like at work, she thought. Only she couldn’t for the life of her seem to remember all these intelligent skills Harvey was currently exuding while working in this world compared to back home. There continued to be “more than meets the eye” in regards to the good Doctor and it wasn’t making it any easier for her to push aside her feelings for him.

One moment she was having a particularly hard time splitting a molecule from a local mineral for a certain medication and it was driving her batty!


Harvey watched each failed attempt carefully and on the third he kindly suggested an alternative method, to which Maru was sure would be risky, but the confidence in his voice encouraged her, and so she obeyed. By some miracle, she succeeded instead of the mineral exploding.

“There you go,” Harvey smiled, patting her proudly on the back.


His body was so close to hers that his cologne tickled her senses. It wasn’t what he normally wore – obviously – but it smelled so much more manly and alluring that it revved her fluttering heart up all the more. She closed her eyes for a moment, deeply, yet silently, inhaling the aroma; one edge of her lip turning up in pleasure.
Harvey seemed to take notice. “You alright?”
Blood instantly drained from Maru’s face as her eyes shot open. “Oh uh, yeah,” she smoothly recovered, “I’m just so relieved we figured that out.” She pasted on a cheesy grin to appear more convincing.
Harvey simply nodded with a smile. “Me too.”

Often the two worked so hard in one day that they would take turns relaxing, or grab a quick nap, while the other continued working on the current project.


One day, while Maru napped, Penny came over to surprise Harvey with lunch and to express how much she missed him.


“I miss you too,” Harvey whispered as their lips parted. “Sorry this is taking up so much of my time.”
“It’s okay,” she assured, running a hand down his chest, loving the style of his shirt. “It’s necessary. Don’t even worry about it.” They kissed again.

Afterward, Harvey leaned back and gazed lovingly into her eyes. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
Penny’s cheeks turned rosy above her shy smile.
“Thoughtfully bringing me lunch and being so understanding and supportive,” he went on. “I’ll make up for this time away from you, I promise.”
“I know,” she smiled sweetly.


Maru cracked an eye open, overhearing, and felt a sinking in her stomach again as she witnessed the two kiss once more. Just let it go, she ordered herself, closing the eye. Let it go…

And “let it go,” she incessantly tried to do, delving into chemistry again during one of her and Harvey’s breaks from compounding and inventing.



There was one major mishap at one point…


…and she couldn’t figure out if it was due to the chemicals in this world having slightly different properties so she got thrown off, or the fact that she couldn’t take her mind off of Harvey no matter what she did. It was horribly frustrating!

After making sure her clothes were put out, she thought, I better grab a shower and clean myself up before Harvey sees me like this and demands he take a look at me. That’s so like him. She chuckled with a blush. As much as her aching and remorseful heart yearned to be his patient, she chose to squash the desire. Penny was still her dear, lifelong friend and she felt bad having these kinds of thoughts about her man. I mean you DID give her permission to pursue him Maru, remember? Ugh! Penny knowing Maru’s feelings for Harvey before she did was proof of just how close they were and Maru never wanted to put a dent in that.

The two gal pals enjoyed a wonderful time out together the next day, having lunch at the local bar and dancing with androids to the music playing from the jukebox. They couldn’t stop laughing at anything and everything, like they always did on fun outings together. It was great!

The day after, during another break, Maru found some scrap metal within the drawers of a worn down workbench and decided to try her hand at creating something.


Ahh. This is SO my element, she pleasurably thought, feeling like she was back at home in the creative comfort of her parent’s basement again.

Hammering and torching, over and over again, the metals seemed to form together into the shape of a cow so Maru just rolled with it. This actually turned out pretty cute! she thought as she eyeballed her finished creation. It reminded her of Marnie’s well groomed cows she would always see grazing in the pasture on her way over to pick up eggs for her mom.


Mom…Dad…I miss you. I hope you can somehow know that Seb and I are okay.


Downstairs in the sun room, around the same time each day, Leah and Elliott “got dirty” while painting and sculpting. Elliott expressed that he always had an interest in learning to sculpt and when they found the tools and supplies to do it, Leah happily suggested that he try sculpting while she painted. “We can be artistic together!” she happily expressed. Both blushed, very much liking the idea. Being separated even for an hour felt unbearable, especially since becoming engaged.


A block of clay that stood taller than Elliott did wasn’t exactly what he had in mind for his first sculpting project, so he chiseled off a few blocks to use for many other starter projects.

When he kept continually producing cracks that would travel in all the wrong areas, he annoyingly called out, “Babe, can you help with me with this again?” Leah didn’t like getting interrupted while deeply immersed in her painting, but she happily made an exception for her love, especially when he was exploring the arts.


“See, you got this,” Leah finished with encouragement.
“Oof, I think I’m getting too old to be doing projects like this,” Elliott groaned, rubbing at his lower back and struggling to get up from squatting.
“You’re not old…”
“Well I sure feel old being around all you youngins’ lately.” He winked.
“You just need to get out and get a little more physical to tone your muscles, what with sitting at your computer most of the day writing,” she said with a smirk.
Elliott chose to ignore her playful criticism and studied her hair instead. “You know, you look real cute with your hair all rolled up in a bun like that.”
The woman blushed with a coy smile. How is it that he always found the perfect things to say to obliterate all the self-conscious doubts she felt within herself? “Okay I disagree because I feel like a mess,” she couldn’t help saying, “but…you’ll get rewarded for that compliment later.”


“Oh I look forward to it.”
“But for now, why don’t you come over and watch me paint while you give your back a break. This scene appeared in my dreams the other night and I wanna tell you all about it.”
“With pleasure.”

Watching Leah paint was something Elliott could do all day. Not just because she was beautiful to look at.



Every night during the past week, Abigail snuck out to a couple of different locations to continue practicing her – secret – magic. Her desire was further encouraged when she found a magical wand hidden under some clothes in her dresser. Well what do we have here? she thought upon discovery with a broad smile, holding the wand by her fingertips and eyeballing its craftsmanship. The handle was made of marble and the body, a beautifully grained amber wood. Not a single flaw was upon it. For some reason it felt like no coincidence to her that the wand was so cleverly placed in her designated dresser. Has the Wizard always known that I possess magic? Her eyebrow arched as she began to ponder on that thought.

Wand in hand, Abigail decided to visit the place where she, Leah, and Maru had gone foraging with the rainbow waterfall she’d been so curious about. Even in the darkness it retained the six vibrant colors. So it wasn’t the result of light reflecting off the water like Maru said, as Abigail suspected. Magical Waterfall! Woo hoo! She gave off a smug grin.


Before attempting to explore the magical properties of the waterfall, she felt it best to practice a bit with the wand first. She had no clue how to use it, and it honestly made her feel a little nervous attempting to use it, but it seemed the moment she gripped the marble handle with determined emotion…power and knowledge from an unknown source began flowing through her veins. Thinking back on the simple spells she memorized back home, she toyed around with them while flicking the wand.

The first spell simply produced a boring, lavender colored smoke.


“At least it’s a pretty colored smoke,” she noted, keeping the positive emotions alive within herself. Her emotions were very much tied to her magic – as she first discovered – and it made all the difference in the effectiveness and intensity of the spell she cast.

The first spark of light to come out of the wand gave her a thrill!


Soon she began waving it around like a boss while whispering various incantations, her confidence growing.


The headaches didn’t seem to hurt as bad when wielding the wand as opposed to casting with her hands. Maybe because it requires more mental effort that way? she curiously thought. I could get used to experiencing less intense headaches…

The simple spellcasting got boring fast so Abigail turned her attention back to the waterfall. What would happen if I shot some light out at it? She didn’t hesitate to find out. The light formed into a large, fiery ball at the tip of the wand as she whispered the spell and then flicked her wrist, sending it flying a hundred feet forward, penetrating the center of the waterfall.


The beam instantly bounced off the water and shot right back at the center of Abigail’s body to which she instinctively grasped her stomach. She fully expected to feel some pain or perhaps a tingling sensation, but only felt pressure. Next thing she witnessed were various rainbow prisms protruding out from the impact point, shining all around her in the shape of a star. It almost felt like the magic from the waterfall transferred over to her and was supercharging her own magic. It felt electrifying.


That “supercharging” proved to be exactly what happened. Because in the nights following, Abigail found herself casting all those original simple spells with ease so she went on to practice more advanced spells. (She may have found the Library during the day with loads of books containing more and more spells in them.) She felt on top of the world! And surprisingly…more liberated than she had ever felt before.

“You serve me well dear wand,” she addressed to it in one particular moment…


…“but there’s nothing like being able to cast a spell with my own two hands.” She slipped the wand into her pocket and produced an apple in the palm of her hand with very little effort, unlike before.


“There we go,” she breathed in satisfaction. “Now where is that unicorn I spotted a few moments ago?” She squealed with inexpressible joy when she previously discovered the majestic creature – couldn’t wait to tell Sebastian and Sam – and gladly fed him the apple she just conjured up. The unicorn thanked Abigail for her kindness. She swore she heard it telepathically.


On another night, Abigail returned to the graveyard hoping to see the spirit girl Donna again, but she never showed up. Shrugging, Abigail decided to pull out the wand again and play around casting a few new spells.




Feeling confident she could now graduate to casting elemental magic, she drew in a breath and chose Fire as her first choice. Focus Abby, you can do this! Sure enough, flames shot out immediately after she whispered the words and they illuminated the darkness all around her. YES!


However, she found herself unexpectedly losing control over the amount of fire spewing out. When she finally managed to get a grip on it, bright orange flames lit up the ground just five feet in front of her.


She shoved the wand into her pocket, frozen in fear as the flames crept closer to her, growing taller and taller, kissing forcefully at the night sky.

“Well…crap! I didn’t expect this!” Her brow perspired and her hands trembled, suddenly forgetting every other elemental spell she studied. Her first instinct was to run, but she couldn’t leave a large, uncontained fire burning.


EXTINGUISH IT! A raspy, yet firm voice shouted within her mind. It was a man’s voice and…an oddly familiar one.
“Wizard Rasmodius!?” Abigail addressed toward the sky. “How in the–”
You possess the power within yourself to do it! His voice boomed again. No wand, no spell needed. Focus. Concentrate. Extinguish it.
Abigail nervously shook her head, watching the flames kiss at her boots now and losing confidence. “I can’t! I’m not that powerful!”
But there were no sympathetic or encouraging words given, only a strong order. 


With various different emotions heightening now, Abigail gulped and planted her feet into the ground, casting her arms forward with pointed, stretched fingers, trying hard to focus and will the magic to come forth from somewhere deep within her. She didn’t know if the Wizard would help her, but couldn’t rely on him to. Squeezing her eyes shut she pressed and pressed her mind and magical abilities – maybe uttering a prayer in between – and struggled to breathe during the process.

The relentless flames just about bit at her fingertips when finally an incredible force of water shot out from both of her palms, swiftly joining together to create a large enough stream to douse the tall flames. Expressing a quick cry of relief, she then worked desperately to keep steady, to hold the stream in place, and stay focused.


Her energy was draining rapidly and the flames were only halfway extinguished. She huffed, keeping her hands firmly outstretched, as she willed her magic onward; her forehead perspiring and throbbing in pain. Her vision soon became blurry as she grew more and more weak and pale.


When the flames were gone, Abigail immediately broke her concentration in a desperate relief. Then her eyes rolled into her head and her body collapsed to the ground.

When she woke, she wasn’t sure how long she had been out. Her head felt like it had been squeezed in a vice. Carefully, she sat up and rubbed at her temples, as well as her blurry eyes. The crickets chirped all around her, ringing louder than normal in her ears.

Seeing clearly now, she lowered her head and took in a few breaths to catch up on all the ones she lost. “Wow,” she whispered. “Holy cow. WOW!” She didn’t know how else to express it; what she did. It was incredible! However, she’d the feeling that maybe she’d grown way too confident in casting all the new spells she learned. And she needed to be much more careful, and patient, especially when delving into more advanced magic. What if she had gotten seriously injured or killed out here…no one would have been around to help, or notice. Luckily the Wizard “showed up” when he did, she thought, but regardless, she had been foolish and it was enough to frighten some sense into her.



That same night, Emily was up late finishing up a surprise sewing project while all the guys slept.


After turning off all the lights in the house, she crept back into Shane’s room and quietly nestled herself into her “bed” for the time being: a sleeping bag. The couch was much too small and uncomfortable to sleep on so that had been pushed out of the way a couple of days ago. Sleeping on the floor really wasn’t any better, but at least she could stretch her legs out.


Shane stirred from the faint sound of the sleeping bag zipper and threw a glance at the time on the wall clock. 12:18. He groaned as he shifted his weight to get into a more comfortable position and fall back asleep. But instead of his eyes instantly shutting, they glued themselves onto Emily. Any frustration from being awoken quickly disappeared and was replaced with a feeling of…pity? Guilt? This was a first in a long while.

It suddenly didn’t feel right to him that the woman was sleeping on the floor while he, the man, slept in the bed.


He tried to convince himself that Emily was totally fine with the situation, which was true, but since he was becoming more mentally sound each and every day the thought nagged at him; almost as if because he owed her some kind gesture in return for all she was doing for him. Fine! He surrendered, rolling onto his side and pulling the covers up to his chin. But later. For now, I must sleep.

The next morning, Emily casually pointed out to Shane that his hair was getting longer and the stubble on his face was quickly turning into a beard. Having never seen him with either she offered to give him a haircut and a shave – if he wouldn’t mind. Shane really couldn’t deny it, the overgrowth was driving him nuts. How did she know? So he consented.

“Okay,” Emily began while running her fingers through Shane’s hair to gauge it; each touch sending pleasurable tingles down his spine. “I’ll start with trimming the top here, then get your bangs, and finish off with buzzing the back.”
“Sounds good,” he mumbled.


Then Emily smirked for a second before saying, “Maybe while I’m at it I’ll buzz off this hair on your back.”
“No!” He flinched.
“I’m just kidding!” she laughed while gripping his bare shoulders and gently shaking them. “Just trying to loosen you up a bit.”
Shane shook his head, unamused, but soon a subtle smile played across his lips. He kind of liked her sense of humor. It was similar to his, when he decided to show it.

When Emily finished and offered Shane a mirror, he was quite impressed with how well she trimmed him up. It was perfect. He quietly thanked her, which filled her heart with joy.

“Now it’s time for your shave,” Emily smiled, holding a razor in one hand and the can of shaving cream in another.
Shane reached up and gripped the wrist of her hand carrying the razor to which she shot him a questionable look. “I’m perfectly capable of shaving myself,” he said. “You really don’t need to do it for me.”
There was a slight pause. “Okay…I just don’t want you to accidentally cut yourself because of the tremors.”
“I’m fine…The tremors are pretty much gone.”
“Hold out your hand and let me see.”

Shane rolled his eyes as he did so, focusing hard to keep his hand steady.
Emily studied it with a twisted mouth, almost convinced, then gave him the razor to hold as a test. Gripping the razor with his forefinger seemed to cause his other fingers to tremble more. Dammit, he uttered under his breath. He hated feeling so dependent lately and was beyond tired of it.
That’s when Emily tenderly wrapped her fingers around his. “It’s okay,” she calmed. “I’ll take care of it.”
“I feel like a freaking cripple!”
“But you’re not. And this will pass soon. You just gotta hang on for a little while longer.”

All Shane could do was blow out an impatient breath, however he was beginning to get used to Emily’s assuring words, presence, and pretty smile. They all gave him a strength he never knew he needed.


In the bedroom across the hall, Elliott was typing in his daily journal; keeping a record of the various happenings amongst the group along with his innermost thoughts. Even though he knew it was kind of pointless to keep a journal here – being unable to bring it back home and all – he did it anyway. Maybe these entries will prove helpful to us sometime? Mostly it was just a good way to refine his writing skills.


Someone then lightly knocked on the door.

“Come in,” he called, while finishing typing a sentence.
“Hey babe,” rang the voice of his love, as she closed the door. “I’m here.”
Elliott quickly turned in his seat. “Heeeey,” he greeted, standing up and heading toward Leah. He enveloped her in his arms and squeezed her as he rocked her from side to side. “Mmm.”
“Well, hello to you too,” she giggled as his lips caressed the nape of her neck. They soon reached her lips.


“Oh Leah how I miss you every second we’re apart. Why can’t you just live here with me?” he asked in a whisper. “I’m finding it heart-wrenching now to wake up and not find my betrothed right there beside me.”
“I know…I feel the same.” Her eyes glowed at his affection. “But someone’s gotta keep an eye on those girls back there, look after them, and make sure they’re staying out of trouble. The boys need someone like that too.” She winked.
Elliott gave a slight bob of his head. “I guess you’re right.” Then he tittered. “We’ve really turned into the Dad and Mom of this group haven’t we?”
“Yep!” And honestly, she liked it.


After a little giggling, Elliott ran a firm hand down Leah’s exposed thigh. “Mmm, you look really cute in this outfit. I especially like how it shows off your sexy legs.” He bounced his eyebrows at her. “It makes me wanna…you know…do stuff.” Then he threw her a suggestive look.


Leah smirked in return. “Well I sure like your half buttoned shirt. It shows off your sexy chest hair. Which kinda gets me hot and bothered as well…”


“Well in that case…,” Elliott ended, abruptly picking her up by her bottom and tossing her onto the bed. He loved the squeal that came out of her.

What happened after that, they tried to do as silently as possible.


At the other end of the house, Sam snuck into Alex’s bedroom to use his gym equipment. He took advantage of the opportunity now that Alex was often out with Haley at her place. Boinking most likely, Sam thought with a sigh, feeling a twinge jealous. Part of him really just wanted to quit hoping for a chance at winning over the gorgeous blonde, but it was good motivation to get himself in shape. He didn’t want his buddy – or anyone – calling him scrawny anymore! I’ll show everyone just how manly I can look!

Firmly, he gripped the pull up bar. “Okay,” he sighed, “this should be pretty easy right? Since I’m so scrawny and all…” He rolled his eyes. Drawing in a breath, he pulled up his lanky body with all the strength he could muster.


“Holy shit!” he hissed through gritted teeth, barely able to elevate himself. His arms shook terribly from the exertion, and before he knew it he lost grip and fell onto his bottom, just before his chin touched the bar. “Son of a bitch!”


He quickly decided that pull ups were out for a while. Gosh! Everyone makes them look so easy, geez! he thought, his mind somewhat blown. There was so much to learn and discover about exercise than he realized.

He shuffled on over to the “boring” bench press, set it at twenty pounds, and started with leg lifts. “Okay; I got this,” he grunted with each and every lift.


Soon he moved on to working his arms. “Twenty…threeee!” he blew out, feeling like his arm muscles were on fire. “Twenty-five should be good. Damn…how does Alex…enjoy doing this…every day?” He expressed a loud, victorious grunt once he hit twenty-five and promptly dropped the weight, which produced a loud, high pitched clank.


Working his chest muscles felt pretty easy at first, but the more he did it, the more the ache increased. “Come onnnn!” he barely uttered with a beat red face. “It’s worth it…just keep telling yourself…it’s worth it!”


He was beginning to wonder if it really was. How can I put myself through this every day? Pfft! It was too hard, and most of the time when something was too tough in life, he would just quit. To Sam there was always an easier way to accomplish something, but his mom would often refute and tell him that, “anything worth having you have to work hard for.” As much as he tried to deny it, her wise words of wisdom were proving to be the truth more and more each day. I miss you mom…sorry I’ve been cursing when I know you don’t like it. It was mostly due to stress.

He thought about his dad too. They didn’t always see eye to eye on everything, but of course he loved him and prayed he was still alive and well in the war zone. When the face of his little brother, Vincent, appeared in his mind it was filled with sadness and tears. That face tugged at Sam’s heartstrings more than anything else in the world and he saw it way too often ever since their dad got deployed. He felt a thickness develop in the back of his throat. I’ll be back soon little buddy…you won’t lose me AND dad. Hell, don’t you worry at all because we’re BOTH coming back!

Sam realized it was that kind of motivation that was keeping his dad going as well, and that made him feel closer to his “old man” than ever before. 

“Again!” he ordered himself. “You got this Sam! Don’t give up!”


Over at the ladies house that evening, Alex and Haley spent a considerable amount of time soaking and making out in the hot tub after a long and delightful day together.


The new couple had been on a ravishing sexual high ever since their first experience in the beach hut bathroom. And that act of passion had become a daily ritual.



In more locations than one.


It was becoming quite hard for the others not to notice. If fact it seemed to them that that was ALL Alex and Haley ever did lately. And hearing – sometimes witnessing – it was getting old and annoying fast. Emily didn’t really know much about her sister’s affairs since she spent all day with Shane, but she did wonder one moment why Haley hadn’t been texting or calling her as much. Is she seriously snubbing me because of my choice to care for Shane and not hang out with her? Usually her sister always had something to say, even if it was undesired. Emily made a mental note to call Haley later about it.


Fall was approaching quickly. It seemed quite sudden after such a hot day at the beach last week, but this was a whole different world – they all reminded themselves – with clearly its own set of rules. Temperatures dropped quite a bit every evening that week and the leaves on the non-fir trees were beginning to turn golden and red.

Leah suggested to the ladies that it was time to harvest all the fruits from the fruit trees, remembering how much the wasps were picking at the pears the other day. That should’ve been a sign to harvest them then, she thought, chiding herself for knowing better, but shrugged it off. It was better to harvest late with half the edible fruits than to not harvest at all. Abigail kindly offered to assist her. The other girls were perfectly happy to do other things.



After harvesting the trees, Leah and Abigail decided to tackle the ripe fruits and vegetables in the greenhouse while they were at it.

“So,” Leah spoke, just as a pesky weed pricked her finger, trying to distract from her overly curious inquiring, “you and Sebastian looked a little cozy at the beach the other day…”
Abigail’s eyeballs briefly shifted in Leah’s direction, before returning to the grapes. “Oh. Yeah?” She didn’t feel particularly close enough with Leah to have this kind of conversation.


“You guy’s dating now too?”
Abigail pushed her previous thought aside. It was an understandable question, given what seemed to be in the water lately. “No,” she simply replied. Not yet…
A look of surprise wore all over the redhead’s face. “Oh, uh…sorry. I didn’t mean to be so nosy. I just thought–”
“I understand why you assumed,” Abigail said, flashing her a kind smile.
Leah nodded. “Well, you two really seem to have a beautiful friendship and you look very cute together. Do you think…anything will ever happen there?” Then she held a hand to her mouth. “Oops, sorry. There’s me being nosy again.”
Abigail chuckled. “I dunno. Maybe.”


Leah chose not to press the matter any further and simply gave Abigail a nod and a smile before moving on to harvest another row of crops.

Abigail stayed in her crouched position with a frown, worrisome thoughts consuming her mind again. I’d love to tell her how much I want Seb and I to be together, but…I’m not sure what he’ll think of me now when I reveal to him that I’m, she swallowed, a Witch. The thought of losing his friendship over such a revelation pained her heart so greatly that her airway began to constrict. She had to dismiss it quickly.


It was no mystery how Sebastian felt about the Wizard in conversations past, pretty much like the rest of the town felt about him: strange, “apprentice to the Devil,” and an essential outcast. Though Sebastian’s feelings were a little less heated. That being because the children only knew what their parents taught them about the Wizard and it was all they ever really cared to know, except Abigail. Even though Rasmodius had been cast out of town months before she was born her dad always seemed to make it a point to voice how evil he is, sometimes unnecessarily. Her mother would just quietly listen with a bowed head, never uttering a word in edgewise or agreement. In fact, her mother never spoke much about the Wizard at all. In which way would Seb react about me?

She shook her head. She couldn’t dwell on it; the revelation would be inevitable. It had been killing her to keep such a secret from her best friend – and the man who held her heart – but the reaction from her own parents and the town residents so deeply frightened her about “coming out” that that’s what kept her from doing so. It was certainly a justifiable fear and reason, even though, she thought, if anyone deserved to know the truth about her it was Sebastian.

She drew in a breath and exhaled it slowly to calm her aching soul. She had to believe that Sebastian would understand; that magic is a part of her and there was nothing she could do to get rid of it. Nor did she ever want to. All her hopes clung to that belief. She prayed she’d never have to say to him, “Take me as I am, or don’t take me at all,” because…she loved him. And she didn’t exactly know which choice he would make, when she felt like she really should, and that was what was bothering her the most.

For now she just had to figure out when would be the right time to tell him. And it needed to be soon.


During that same time, far away from both houses, Harvey and Penny drove around town to find a nice place to have a picnic lunch alone together. They finally settled on a pretty little park a walking path away from the cemetery. Mostly because its location piqued their curiosity.

A large, old and leafless tree stood prominently at the center of the park, giving off one heck of a creepy vibe to Penny and she was soon to discover why.

“Hangman’s Tree,” she read from the historical landmark plaque embedded in a tall stone. Basically it was the place where all the Appaloosa Plains criminals in the old days paid the ultimate price for their unpardonable crimes. That’s why it’s just off the cemetery, she thought, a slight chill running down her spine.
“Wow,” Harvey spoke, gazing up at the tree. “You can clearly see some indentation in that branch where the rope was tied.” He pointed.


Penny shuddered at the thought. There was a reason she never cared to learn about, or teach about, these kinds of events in history. It was too graphic and disturbing. “Ugh,” she grumbled. “It’s just such a cruel way to institute capital punishment. I don’t care what the person did.”
“Not necessarily,” Harvey kindly corrected. “If they calculated it just right, and positioned the noose properly, the person’s neck would snap instantly, causing immediate unconsciousness before death. So it’d be painless,” he explained, while gesturing with his hands.


“However oftentimes it wasn’t done correctly so…”
“Blaaah I don’t want to hear it!” Penny cried, throwing her hands up in the air.


Harvey chuckled, mostly because of how adorable her reaction was, and enveloped her in his arms. “I wasn’t going to go into any more detail…,” he assured, “I just wanted to tease you a little bit.”
“This kind of stuff you don’t tease me with,” she mumbled, nestling her cheek against his; kind of being playful, but mostly not.
“I’ll remember that,” he noted, rubbing his hand up and down her back. “I’m sorry.”


“Maybe we should choose a different place to have our picnic,” Penny suggested while breaking their embrace. “This place is giving me the creeps now.”


Harvey could feel the goosebumps on her arms and rubbed at them as he took a quick look around. His gaze settled on a spot behind him. “Let’s try that nice, flat spot down the hill a bit. It’s away from the tree and surrounded by tall and pretty flowering bushes.” He turned his gaze back to her. “It’ll be perfect.”
“Okay,” she smiled, ever trusting in him.


Together they spread out the blanket and promptly sat themselves down. Both of their stomachs rumbled, longing for some sustenance.

As Penny pulled out the plates and utensils from the basket she asked Harvey how the medicine compounding had been going. He told her it was mostly going well, but his face fell as he expressed continued concern over foreign illnesses that might befall the group, especially during the cold season, regardless of none of the locals being around to pass them on like she mentioned before. This world was strange and evolved in a way very differently from their own, he expressed. And because of that, he wasn’t going to let his guard down. 
“There are times I get so nervous,” he somberly expressed, “about the unknown…”


Penny understood that all too well and for a moment, she thought on what to say to comfort him. “I’m sure we’ll still be okay,” was the best she could come up with. “I’m learning that it’s best not to worry about something when it hasn’t even happened yet, because most of the time you end up feeling miserable over a whole lot of nothing. Though I know that’s easier said than done!”
“Yeah,” he puffed.
Then she reached over to take his hand and his eyes met hers. “It’s good that you’re doing your best to prepare for whatever might happen, and I love that you care so much about the well being of all of us,” she expressed. “I knew you naturally did as our town physician, but I didn’t realize just how deeply you cared. Especially for someone like Shane,” she had to add to ease the gloom in the air.
It worked and they both chuckled.
“You’re a good man Harvey…so underrecognized back home. I wish everyone there could see what I see in you.” She smiled with a blush. “Maybe after this whole experience they will.”

Her words filled Harvey’s heart with warmth, almost to the point that tears prickled behind his eyes. I love you, he wanted to say, but that was such a big expression. He felt she might not be ready to hear it from him just yet. Instead he went with, “Thank you Penny. That means a lot to hear you say that.”
“You’re very welcome. It’s kinda nice to see you worry sometimes,” she smirked, “it makes me feel like we’re all the more perfect for each other.”
Harvey grinned. He couldn’t agree more.

They went on to talk about all sorts of different things. Home, this time in Appaloosa Plains, the others, even the quest came up again, as they enjoyed their meal.


When they finished and cleaned up, Penny pushed the basket far off to the side so they could stretch out and relax on the blanket together. Sometime during all their talking, Harvey ended up resting his head on her lap and she gazed down into his eyes as he spoke, stroking his hair, not minding at all. She couldn’t ever remember being in a happier setting than in this moment.


In turn, Harvey was very much feeling the same, rubbing at the small of her back and thinking how gorgeous she looked hovering above him with such a captivating look in her eyes. He was about to tell her as much until she spoke.

“Do you remember that first Christmas you spent in Pelican Town, working under Doctor Harris just before he retired?” she asked, continuing to stroke his hair.
The gentle touch of her fingertips on his scalp aroused him, but he was paying attention enough to remember. “How could I forget?”
Her face beamed. “I was hoping you’d say that. It was the best Christmas ever! You and Doctor Harris went way out of your way to make it special for me and my mom, after her health scare. I’ll never forget it.”
He lifted a hand to stroke her cheek. “It was the least we could do, especially under the circumstances.” He wasn’t just referring to her mother’s health, but their poverty. “Plus we also had to make sure that our patient’s teenage daughter got exactly what she’d been wishing for that Christmas, when her mother lay in a hospital bed.” He winked. “If I recall, it was something you’d been asking for for a couple of years.”
There came a bright, cheeky smile. “Yes! And I still have it.”
“I’m glad.” He blushed.

“So,” Penny went on, shifting her weight a bit, but keeping Harvey’s head in her lap, “I have to ask: Who’s idea was it? To do all that for us?”
Harvey’s eyes darted from one direction to the other, playfully responding, “Oh I dunno…”
Penny chuckled and leaned in closer to his face, her lips almost touching his as if to coax. “It was yours wasn’t it?”
He gave in. “Guilty.”
“I knew it!” she exclaimed with a little squeak. “Because honestly it didn’t seem like something old Doctor Harris would go out of his way to do. No offense to the man.”
Harvey gave a slight bob of his head in agreement. “It took a little convincing,” he smiled.

Penny’s grin grew brighter as she stroked his cheek, a grateful look in her eye. “That was so incredibly sweet of you Harvey. I never got over it. That might’ve been when I developed a little crush on the new, young and cute Doctor in town.”
Harvey’s cheeks turned a crimson red. “Well…you were pretty cute back then too.”
Penny’s mouth dropped. “You thought I was cute!?”
“Well,” he halted, “you were a minor and I was in my twenties so I didn’t think it with that kind of affection. Anyone can notice when a person is beautiful, no matter what their age is.”
Penny’s eyes sparkled. “Well, I’m sure glad I’m not a minor anymore…,” she whispered, stroking his lip with the tip of her finger. 
“Oh gosh me too…”
“Oh Harvey!” She rolled her body on top of his – pleasurably surprising the man – and kissed him intensely, expressing all the deepest affections she carried for him all these years. In a matter of seconds he had made her feel like the most beautiful woman on the planet and her inner tiger started coming out. It surprised her even, but she was enjoying the feeling too much to pull back.


Moans gradually escaped their lips, following every kiss. Harvey stopped them for a moment to remove his glasses and carefully toss them aside before rolling Penny onto her back and taking over.


His body and soul burned with desire as their lips and bodies continually collided in a vigorous, sexual motion. “Oh Penny…,” he breathed, kiss after kiss.


His hand wandered from her hip, slithering up into her shirt, and Penny breathed her consent in his ear. But that’s when he realized…they needed to tone it down. For a variety of reasons, even though it was horribly difficult to do.

Harvey planted his wandering hand on the ground, along with the other, and rested his face in the nape of her neck, breathing heavily. “We should stop…”
Penny nodded breathlessly, but couldn’t help feeling disappointed. “But I really don’t want us to…,” she groaned in a whisper.
“I know, me neither,” he admitted while lifting his head up and flashing her a smile. “You have NO idea. But there’ll be a time and place for that; when we’re both truly ready. Not here, not yet.” He stroked her cheek in assurance.

Not ready!? This moment is perfect! But then Penny suddenly remembered something. She once overheard Harvey indirectly tell Alex’s grandmother – who was prying about his love life at the Spring Festival – that he preferred to wait until marriage to consummate a relationship. It impressed the old woman and it certainly made Penny admire him all the more as that was a rare preference in a man these days. Even she sometimes felt it was the best way to go. Does this mean…he’s thinking about marrying me or…is he unsure? She couldn’t help feeling an immediate sinking feeling in her stomach at the thought, as he lifted her up onto her feet, but figured he most likely stopped them because it had to do with the respect he carried for her. And she could always feel that.

Harvey took her face in his hands and very tenderly kissed her forehead, sensing her thoughts. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing about you. I just want to make sure we do this right.”
“I know…” she exhaled into his chest.


“I care about you too much…”
“I know that too.” She looked up at him with a smile. See? Respect. “And you know, putting aside the events of that Christmas, I can see why my mom has actually grown to respect you. Not just as a Doctor, but as a person.” She tried to hold back the tears from forming. “I very much share that same respect.”
Harvey smiled with relief, his eyes gleaming, as he leaned in and kissed her deeply again. Gosh how I love her. She’s the girl for me and someday soon I’m going to tell her that. “Well your mother’s rare given respect is one I’d certainly hate to lose especially now that I’m courting you,” he said with a smirk.
“True!” Penny expressed. Her heart no longer pounded, but fluttered wildly for him again. He’s so amazing. I love him!


Meanwhile at the guy’s house, Shane finally got himself up and dressed for the day while Emily was taking a break from her vigil. She called Haley to see if everything was alright and Haley simply told her that everything was great!

“Sorry I haven’t like visited you or anything,” Haley casually apologized, “I’ve just been a bit occupied with Alex lately…” 


Emily could almost feel the smirk on the other end. It was no mystery that her sister was having sex with Alex, but she didn’t realize just how much sex they were having. She really didn’t wish to press for any details like most sisters do and certainly hoped the two were being wise in their sexual intimacy. Not that any advice she had to give, Haley would take anyway. “Okay, well I shouldn’t be here all day,every day for too much longer. Shane’s getting better each day and,” she sighed, her heart aching from the dreaded, but inevitable event, “I’m not sure how much longer he’ll need me to stick around you know?”
“Yeah, well you’re really better off,” came the frank reply. “Honestly, I’m surprised you’ve lasted this long with him.”
“Like I said, he’s getting better. He’s changing,” Emily said with a gleeful and smitten smile.
“If you say so,” Haley doubted, her gum smacking into the speaker. “You certainly are a trooper Sis. He sure doesn’t deserve all you’re doing for him…”

Emily’s happy face turned into an unamused one. “That’s not why you help people Haley, whether they deserve it or not. You do it to spread kindness to the world, hoping to leave a mark in someone’s heart to which they in turn will want to–”
“Yeah, yeah I know,” came the interruption. “Listen Em, Alex is ready to go swimming at the gym so I’ll catch you later. Take care of yourself over there. Bye!”
“Take care of yourself too,” Emily said, hearing the line cut off mid sentence. She glanced down at her phone and irritatingly shook her head. So much for that. It was time to check up on Shane again anyway.

When Emily entered the bedroom, Shane stopped from pacing the floor. He actually felt his heart skip a beat as she graced the room with her presence again.

“Hey. You okay?” Emily asked at his odd and unusual face expression that was pointed at her.
Shane blinked a bit. “Uh, yeah,” he replied, going back to pacing. “Just…trying to think of what to do today, instead of lying around in this boring room.” He kicked some dirty socks on the floor into a corner.
“Oh? Are you thinking of maybe coming out and hanging with the others?” Emily hinted at with a sly smile.
“No,” came the swift reply, “not ready for that.”

Emily lowered her gaze, thinking she understood, then stepped forward. “So how are you feeling?” she asked, turning toward the bed to make it for him.
“Ok, I guess,” he shrugged, his eyes involuntarily watching her trim hips sway from one side of the bed to the other. “Still feeling a little shaky, but at least my head doesn’t hurt.”
“That’s great!” She broadly smiled. The first day there wasn’t a complaint since his detox started. “You’re making such great progress Shane. Before you know it your body will be whole again.” She turned away from him to clear her throat, trying to swallow the lump in it. The bed was all made up.

“You really didn’t have to do that you know,” Shane told her, approaching. “You’re not the one sleeping in it.”
“Yeah, well, I wanted to.” She flashed him a smile. “Besides, unmade beds kinda bug me. It makes the room look messy.”
There was a slight shake of Shane’s head before he rubbed at the back of his neck, his emotions shifting. “Speaking of…the bed,” he started, “I was uh, thinking earlier, umm…,” he rubbed harder, “if you wanted to have the bed tonight, or whatever night, that’s, uh, cool with me. I can…take the floor.”


He glanced away quickly and feverishly, scratching at his neck now.

Emily’s jaw almost fell slack with surprise at his sweet offer, but mostly she was just extremely heart-warmed by his thoughtfulness and felt so proud of him. He IS changing! She knew that wasn’t easy for him to say so she gave him a pleasing and grateful smile. “Why Shane, that is very kind of you to offer,” she expressed. “Thank you. I may just take you up on that.”


A small, almost imperceptible smile appeared on Shane’s face before it disappeared. His heart suddenly pounded. Once again Emily’s beautiful countenance was getting the better of him. Intoxicating almost. He also couldn’t help admiring her cleavage that was so alluringly on display, when it normally never is, wearing the low cut, halter top that she was. I swear she gets prettier every day, he randomly thought. Wait…what!?
Emily chuckled at his face expressions, only imagining what he was thinking. “Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable with that.”
“No,” he quickly said, “you didn’t, I just,” he stopped to pinch at the bridge of his nose with a sigh. “I think my head still hurts a little after all…” Though he knew it didn’t. He enjoyed these new feelings, but they made him feel uneasy. Too many changes happening too fast, he thought. He stepped away from her, expelling a breath to decompress. His right arm suddenly trembled more rapidly so he smacked his left hand on it to steady it.

Emily then sat down on the edge of the bed, crossed her legs, and rested her hands in her lap. “So,” she began to ask him, “when you said you aren’t ready to see the others, why is that?”

Shane turned and gave her an unamused look. He knew what she was doing, especially with the way she was sitting. “What is it time for a therapy session or something?”
A corner of Emily’s lip turned up. “If you say so.”
He rolled his eyes.
“Hey, I offered my ‘services’ to you earlier,” she playfully said, then became serious. “If you don’t want to talk that’s fine, I respect that, but…there’s really nothing else to do in here…,” she trailed off, spreading her hands apart.

She said that on purpose! Shane thought with a scowl. However, he released a loud sigh in mild surrender as he approached the wall, pressing his forehead upon it. Doesn’t matter what I say or do, she keeps wanting me to open up. I guess it has been helping a little; to talk. I just don’t know why she cares so much about a schmuck like me when her time could be better spent elsewhere. On someone who’s more deserving of it. It wasn’t thought out of frustration, but out of a believed truth. A truth he created over the years and for the first time in all those years, he was beginning to dislike it.

Emily pulled her legs up and crossed them on the bed, respectfully waiting with patience; voicelessly telling Shane that one again he didn’t have to speak, but simply that she was here for him. To listen. Shane noticed and could no longer pull a blanket over his eyes at her graceful devotion, and maybe he felt touched by it. Maybe he was realizing just how much he needed it. He returned his forehead to the wall and began to talk.

He revealed that he wasn’t ready to see the others yet because he knew he would have to apologize to every single one of them, due to the way he so horribly treated them, and was afraid that they wouldn’t accept it or believe he was being sincere. He really couldn’t blame them. It was the first of many steps in starting anew and it terrified him.


“Especially Harvey,” he emphasized. “He saved my life in spite of everything…and that makes it all the more difficult to apologize to him.” Emily knew that already, but it was wonderful to hear him acknowledge it.

He went on to talk about all the remorse he was beginning to feel, over everyone he hurt and let down in his life, about his poor choices, and how making it all right was deeply overwhelming him. “It’s why I never really wanted to get clean, even though I knew I desperately needed to,” he admitted. “It all just felt too hard to fix and…it’s true.” He sat himself down on the edge of the bed beside her. He wasn’t sure exactly how to deal with all these previously buried emotions; how to come to terms with putting aside who he used to be and move forward as a better version of himself. The real version of himself. He also expressed that he greatly hoped he could keep the alcohol out of his life forever when they returned home. His hands trembled again, not just due to the lingering withdrawal. 

Emily caressed his back as she listened and told him that staying sober would require a constant, conscious effort each and every day, and it would be hard. No point in sugar-coating it. She also told him that he may very well have slip ups, which he couldn’t beat himself up over, but that he’s shown that he can rise above it all…and can do it again. “Anyone who can’t forgive you for slipping up when you have a serious genetic addiction, isn’t worth your time or energy,” she bluntly stated and she would never know just how much it meant to Shane to hear her say it. Anyone who truly loves you will understand, she wanted to add, but was afraid of revealing herself.
“After going through this hell though,” Shane uttered, “I don’t ever wanna slip up.”


Emily smiled. “Good. Always remind yourself of that. It will give you strength.”
He nodded, greatly hoping it would. “I guess I could get used to drinking soda instead or JojaMart’s sparkling water. It’s really not bad…”
“There ya go!” She patted his shoulder with a smile.

At some point during the conversation, Shane slipped down to the floor, resting his back up against the side of the bed. Emily’s body shifted from her head being at the head of the bed to the foot of it.

“I still worry I’m going to screw everything up in my life, due to my track record,” Shane muttered, leaning his head back, “even while clean.”
“You won’t…,” Emily comforted.
He gulped, hoping she was right. “And,” he hesitated to say for a moment, “I’m nervous about raising Jas because…I’m a poor excuse for a parent and she’ll probably want nothing to do with me when she gets older.”

Emily frowned at his feelings on that matter and turned her body to where her head hung down right beside his. “I can understand why you feel that way. But you know, you really can’t worry about that,” she counseled, “even though I know it’s hard. You just work on being the best parent you can be for her, every single day, and that will be enough.”
Shane could only give a slight, unconvinced nod to that.
“From what little I’ve been able to see, Jas deeply loves you. She totally looks at you as her daddy.” She smiled. “You’ll always have her in your life. She’ll never abandon you.”
“I hope you’re right,” he sighed, trying to hold back the tears. Thinking of Jas always seemed to bring them on and Emily’s kind and assuring words contributed as well. “I just…hope I never let down anyone who’s truly cared about me again, and lose them for good. Jas, Aunt Marnie, you…”
Emily’s face and smile beamed hearing him include her on that list and it filled her heart with overwhelming joy and warmth.
“…cause then I’ll really have nothing, or no one, to live for.”

Emily inched forward, unable to keep from wrapping her arms over his shoulders and pressing her cheek against his with love. He didn’t flinch, like she thought he might, letting her know she could safely stay in that position and say exactly what she wanted to say. “Well, don’t you worry about that because…I’ll always be here for you Shane. No matter what. You’ll never lose me.”

Her words and the soft, yet fierce touch of her cheek eased the anxieties of Shane’s soul and calmed his aching heart, more than he ever thought someone’s words or touch ever could. He wholeheartedly believed her because she had more than proven herself in the past few days. How is it that someone could be so amazing? He thought. And that someone found and cared about a mess like him? It really boggled his mind. More and more he was finding it hard not to appreciate Emily and allow her immense kindness and friendship to take hold of his heart. Gently he tugged at her arm until she released it from her other one and wove his fingers together affectionately with hers. It created a surge of pleasurable heat between them and their hearts pounded.
“Thank you,” he whispered, caressing and then squeezing her fingers with great emotion. For a moment, he didn’t want to let them go.


“Why do you care so much about me?” he asked her with deep emotion. “I’d been just as horrible to you as I’d been to the others. I don’t understand…”
Emily could feel a lump forming in her throat again while tears pricked at her eyelids. She thought carefully on how to respond. “Because you always seemed like someone who was desperately crying out for help amidst all that rudeness and anger and…I could never seem to ignore it.”
There was a long pause as Shane squeezed her fingers again. “Then it would seem…you knew me better than I knew myself.”
“Well,” she blushed, feeling flattered. “A lot of that was you being consumed by your addiction, but…I’m just really intuitive. That’s all.”
He nodded. “I heard Gus say that once about you.”
“Oh did he?”
“Yeah. I didn’t think much on it then, but,” he turned his head to look into her eyes, “I guess it’s really true.”

Emily met his eyes with a beaming smile and hoped her cheeks weren’t shining just as bright, giving too much of herself away. His words and sudden change in demeanor in this moment were greatly filling her heart up with hope and excitement. Was she witnessing a miracle here? She prayed it was there to stay as she lovingly pressed her cheek against his again.


When Alex and Haley arrived back at the girl’s house from swimming at the gym, they conversed on Haley’s bed for a bit, planning to hit the shower soon. Before doing that though, Haley suggested they do something else first, to which Alex was more happy to oblige.

Just as their sexual intimacy ended, and all was quiet, Alex could hear a persistent sound coming from outside. He’d recognize that sound anywhere…someone was kicking a ball around. But who? His curiosity was quite piqued as he couldn’t think of any of the girls being interested in sports.

“What are you doing?” Haley asked him as he slipped out of the bed and put his boxers back on.
“You don’t hear a kicking sound coming from outside?” he asked.
Haley propped herself up onto her elbows and cocked her head to listen. “No…oh wait, I hear it now. Why does it matter?”
“I’m just curious,” he replied as he approached the window and carefully peeked through the blinds. Someone was indeed kicking a ball into a soccer net just outside the window. But Alex’s eyes must’ve been deceiving him because…“Is that Maru?” he unbelievingly asked, pulling up the blinds to get a better look.
“ALEX!” Haley cried, pulling the blanket up over her naked self.

It was Maru indeed, kicking the ball around to release some stress and pent up emotions.


She had been on the little league Soccer team back in grade school – her mom insisting she try out a sport – and was surprised to discover just how much she remembered about nailing the ball into the goal. She only played one season though as Soccer really wasn’t her thing. Neither were sports in general; she held better gifts elsewhere in her mind. It’s sure great for taking out some frustration, she thought as she kicked the ball harder and made the net bend in the wind with it. Yeah! Grabbing the ball, she turned and set it back down in front of her to kick again.


“What is she doing out there?” Haley annoyingly asked Alex, rolling off the bed on the other side to put her underwear back on in better privacy.
Alex didn’t answer right away as he watched Maru in a daze for a moment, studying her every move. “She’s just kicking a soccer ball into the net,” he finally replied, “rather impressively I might add.”


Truly, it was mind boggling entertainment to the athlete. Since when did the smart girl in town have such a nice athletic technique and…physique?

“Maru? Kicking a soccer ball?” Haley incredulously asked, coming to Alex’s side. “Now this I gotta see. That nerd couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn!” Not that she had anything to say about that, but it didn’t matter.
“I’m telling you Haley…she’s good.”


However just as Haley started watching, that was the moment Maru missed the goal. It disappointed Maru as much as it didn’t to Haley.


“See!” Haley poked. “What’d I tell ya!?”
“Of course you had to see the moment where she misses,” Alex interjected. “Keep watching, she’ll show you how to make a goal.”
“Yeeeah that’s okay,” the blonde dismissed, then took Alex’s arm and turned on her coaxing voice. “Come…to the shower with me.”
Alex nodded and then sighed as he took one last look at Maru before pulling down the blinds.



As the hours of the day rolled by, Shane and Emily played a few games to keep the boredom away and learned some new things about each other in the process. One of the games was “Truth or Dare” – the dares not exactly happening in that moment, but later – and when Shane dared Emily to have a deep conversation with a chicken at his Aunt’s farm, Emily laughed so hard that her face and upper body fell on top of his chest. It caused Shane to lose a breath for a second, but any kind of touch from her lately seemed to take his breath away.

When Emily finally composed herself, she propped herself up onto her elbows gently, so as not to dig them into Shane’s stomach, and rested her chin into her hands with a grin. “Okay, truth,” she began, thinking for a moment. Oh how many things she would love to ask Shane for the truth about. Her heart fluttered at some of the thoughts, but she held back. “How many girlfriends have you had in the past?”


Shane shook his head with what appeared to be a sly smile. “You don’t want to know…”
“Whatever! You have to tell me, it’s the rules.”
He sighed. “Truthfully, I don’t really remember…How awful is that?”
“It’s okay…Just give me a ballpark figure.”
“OR you could ask me a different question.”
Emily blew upward at her bangs. “Okay…were you ever in a serious relationship with a girl in the past?”
“No…But I was with a guy.”
The look on Emily’s face was priceless!
“I’m totally kidding, girl!” He laughed. “There’s no way in hell I’d ever swing that way. Dudes are ugly!”
Emily slapped at his arm for teasing her like that, but laughed in return. “Well, I’d have to disagree with you on that, but seriously…were you?”

Shane sighed again as he stared up at the ceiling. “I really only had one serious girlfriend, but even that relationship didn’t last very long. None of them did.”
“What happened?”
“Well…let’s just say we only had a great time together when we were drunk or high. That’s when it felt like the relationship was on fire and we were ‘the ones,’ you know?” He quoted with his fingers. “Then one day, we were bored as hell with each other while sober and that’s when we realized…we had nothing in common and weren’t truly in love so…we split.”
Emily frowned. “I’m sorry. That must’ve been a tough realization.”
“Yeah, well, it is what it is,” he shrugged off. “Now I gotta ask you the same question. Have you ever had a serious boyfriend?”

Emily blushed with some hesitation. “No…because I’ve never had a boyfriend.”

Shane stared at her in immense disbelief, blinking twice. “Bullshit.”
“No, I’m serious,” she chuckled at his flattering reaction, secretly loving it. “There’s not that many guys in Pelican Town you know, and I grew up with all of them so…”
“So they all feel like cousins to me.”
“Ah, I see.”
Until you came along…


About every other day that week the three bandmates – Sebastian, Sam, and Abigail – got together to jam. It was the highlight of their day. Discovering the different musical notes and tones in this world, and rearranging their signature songs to it, was super fun.


Whenever Sebastian got way into a guitar solo…


…Sam always felt the need to one him up at the soonest possible moment.

“You call that a guitar solo?” Sam taunted his buddy. “I’ll show you!”
“Uh huh, sure,” Sebastian dismissively threw back.


When Sam’s time to shine came, he strummed it out, and it was good.


Abigail watched Sam with a broad grin. She wouldn’t dare say she thought his solo sounded a tiny bit better than Sebastian’s. If that little punk wasn’t my ‘brother from another mother’ I’d so be drooling over him right now, she thought. Especially when he raised the guitar up over his head and picked rapidly at the strings continuing on with his solo, without messing up. Attraction or not, that always looked hot to a girl.


“Show off!” Sebastian muttered with a head shake.
“It’s all good Seb! Not everyone can be as good as me.” Sam smirked.
There followed an unamused eye roll.

In one of their other songs, there was an epic drum solo that Abigail had been practicing often in her free time back home. She was ready to show her two buddies how much better she was at it and no doubt, they were impressed. Especially Sebastian, his cheeks flushed while watching her.



“We make a pretty good band here don’t we?” Sam asked as they continued playing.
“Totally!” Abigail and Sebastian said at the same time to which they exchanged blushed glances at each other.
“We really need to come up with an awesome band name already. It needs to be hip and catchy.”
“How about, ‘The Appaloosians?’” Abigail humorously threw out with a wink.
“Yeeeeah no Abby…We’re not a country band,” Sam said with a look of disgust.
“The perfect name will come to us eventually,” Sebastian rang in, “in just the right moment.” He threw another glance out at Abigail. “Just like every good thing does…”

Aww! Abigail’s cheeks heated up behind her smile. More and more she was beginning to feel that Sebastian would totally be okay with the fact that she possesses magic, because subtle comments like that – that he was continually throwing out lately – aren’t usually expressed without some kind of adoration. And he was always sweet and caring underneath his quiet and reserved outer shell. It was very possible that he loved her in the same way she loved him. And that would definitely work in her favor.


When their jam session ended, Sam left to use the bathroom. Sebastian approached Abigail after putting his guitar away. He noticed her rubbing at her forehead as she got up from the drum stool.
“Another headache?” he asked her.
“Seems you’ve been getting those a lot lately,” he expressed with concern. “Maybe you should talk to Harvey about it.”
“I’m fine,” she swiftly assured, the darn nervousness consuming her again. “I think it’s just from dehydration. I really haven’t been drinking enough water since we got here. It’s kinda odd tasting!” Geez Abby just tell him! Oh…wait…do that and Sam will surely come waltzing right back in. She held back a sigh. It’s not the right time.
“Still,” Sebastian continued, “I know Harvey’s got some medicine up there for a headache. Ask him for some okay?” He bent his head to make sure Abigail’s eyes met his through his bangs. “I just want you to be ok.”
“Thanks Seb…I will be,” she smiled. “Don’t worry.”

She needed to figure out a technique in casting spells without causing headaches soon because it was getting old and annoying. Surely Rasmodius mastered that eons ago! If only he were around to teach me, she thought, nibbling at her fingernail. Maybe there’s some way to reach him? There HAS to be! She didn’t want to wait until they got back home to become the Wizard’s student because who knew how far into the future that would be and her patience – and endurance – was wearing thin.


By the end of the week, most everyone was feeling like it had been a pretty productive – and in some ways, eventful – one.

Alex and Haley sure thought so, but not in the same sense as everyone else. They continued on doing what they seemed to do best in their brand new relationship.


Haley spent the previous night with Alex in his bedroom, falling asleep together for the first time since their hookup. Waking up to each other on that bright, Saturday morning instantly turned into one hot morning.







They weren’t particularly discreet about it either, as usual. Sebastian couldn’t help stopping dead in his tracks by the bedroom door on his way to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. At first he just humorously shook his head at the sounds, but soon began to giggle at them. It seemed like Alex was the luckiest guy in the world right now. Sebastian began to wish it was him in there…with the gorgeous, purple haired girl of his dreams.

Sam came striding along toward the kitchen to follow his buddy and when he found Sebastian standing near Alex’s door giggling he asked with an arched eyebrow, “Whatcha doin’?”
“Shhh!” Then he pointed at the door with his thumb. “Guess what’s going on in there?”
“Again?” Sam asked, with that ever present hint of jealousy. “Damn. Don’t they ever stop?”
“I know, right? Who knew two people could literally go at it like bunnies?”
“Oh you should’ve seen my parents the last time my dad came home from a deployment…”
“My GOSH Sam! I don’t need to know that!”
“Sorry! In fact,” he held a finger to his chin in thought. “I’ll bet that’s how Vincent was–”
“Shhh, we need to keep our voices down.”

Soon they started gossiping about Alex and Haley and making inappropriate jokes in between, like most guys in their early twenties do.



Harvey came down the stairs and immediately took notice of the two guys nearly pressing their ears on the door. “What’s going on?” he asked them.

Sebastian and Sam jumped away from the door like two spooked cats. They turned toward Harvey in embarrassment while rubbing at their necks.
“Nothing,” Sam bravely spoke, “we were just…uh…,” he looked to Sebastian for help, but his friend just shrugged.
Harvey simply crossed his arms together and gave them a stern look. The kind their parents gave them when they got caught doing something they shouldn’t. “Don’t you two have something better to do?”
“Yes!” Sebastian spoke instantly, grateful for the opportunity to bail out of such an awkward situation. “C’mon Sam, our breakfast awaits.” The two swiftly retreated to the kitchen.

Harvey stayed in place at the base of the stairs, staring at the bedroom door with frank displeasure. It was time he had a chat with Alex.

Back in the bedroom, Alex and Haley emerged from the covers on the bed in sensual bliss.


They snuggled for a little bit before greeting the day.

“I love you,” Alex whispered to her after a bit of silence, kissing the hair hanging down over her cheek.


His expression sent Haley’s stomach into a free fall, causing her to lose a breath. Love? It felt way too soon to her for that. But she also felt that if she didn’t say it in return Alex’s feelings would be hurt. Who would want to ruin a moment like this with that kind of drama? She thought. The seconds were counting down. Maybe…I’ll – I’ll learn to love him. I’m sure of it!
“I…love you too,” she faked and it seemed to satisfy Alex because he held her closer to him and lightly kissed her neck over and over again with joy. She hoped he wouldn’t hear her subsequent gulps.

That afternoon, Alex, Sam, Sebastian, and Elliott were playing a few rounds of ping pong on the back deck. Harvey stepped through the sliding glass door and acknowledged them all with a short smile.
“Hey Harvey,” Elliott greeted. “You wanna get in on this game? You can take my place.”
“Why ‘cause I’m kicking your butt?” Sam asked Elliott while playfully sticking his tongue out.
“No thanks,” Harvey answered before Elliott could. “Alex,” he then addressed, “could I talk to you for a minute?”
That got everyone’s attention, particularly surprising Alex. “Uh, sure Harvey. What’s up?”
“In private please?”
The three other guys shot wide eyed glances at each other as the two stepped inside, just like siblings do when they know one of the others was “going to get it” from a parent. For some strange reason that’s what it felt like was about to happen.

Harvey led Alex into the main living area of the house, out of sight and earshot of the others. When he stopped near the fireplace, Alex curiously asked him again, “What’s up Harvey?”


In the most sensitive and tactful way possible, trying not to exert too much authority, Harvey expressed concern to Alex over his and Haley’s constant sexual intercourse. He greatly encouraged that they both practice safe sex in ways without the use of condoms because…there weren’t any in this world. He concluded by saying, “I’m advising that you two tone it down because Haley could get pregnant.”

As Harvey spoke, Alex felt disturbed and a bit annoyed by the Doctor’s unsolicited advice. He liked Harvey, but he couldn’t help thinking how classic this was of Harvey to do. Who does he think he is anyway? My dad?
“Umm…noted Harvey,” he blankly said. “However I don’t see how what we choose to do in our relationship is any of your business.”


Harvey’s eyes closed for a second to hold back a disgruntled sigh, afraid Alex would react in this manner. He could understand, but he too needed to be frank. “It becomes my business when there’s no Hospital around and I’m the only Physician who’s grossly inexperienced in Obstetrics,” he retorted. “I only helped deliver a baby once in my career and that was while working under Doctor Harris, when Sam’s mom gave birth to his little brother. I don’t remember much from that experience at all. I do not think it is unlikely for the ladies to get impregnated in this world as much as they can back home. And what if one of them miscarries? That could mean significant blood loss, on top of whatever might go wrong during a delivery. I’m just not properly equipped for that. Please Alex, I’m urging you to keep that in mind, for Haley’s safety.”


Alex casually nodded, but his frustration got the better of him. “I will for sure, but why are you singling us out huh?” He threw a finger towards the back door at a certain guy. “What about Elliott and Leah? They’ve been having sex too!”
“I intend to talk to them also, but didn’t feel a great need to because they aren’t doing it three to four times a day like you and Haley are!”


Alex glared in offense. Seriously!? “Well…still! Sex is sex and babies can happen, right? Isn’t that exactly what you’re grilling into me?”
“Yes, but what I’m saying to you is that at the rate you and Haley are going you’re increasing the chances of conception significantly! So you both need to–”
“You know what,” Alex raised his palms up in interruption, stepping back, “I don’t have to have this conversation with you Harvey. I’m an adult, and so is Haley. We know what we’re doing.”


“I’m not meaning to imply that you aren’t,” Harvey calmed, even though he thought otherwise, “neither did I mean to upset you. I’m just concerned and wanted to remind you of the risks. I know what it’s like to get caught up in the moment with a girl and forget–”
“Save it Harvey, I was taught Sex Ed in school. I get it!” Alex walked right past Harvey and straight into his room, firmly shutting the door behind him.
Harvey lowered his head and shook it with a sigh.

Alex pressed his back and head against the other side of the door, expelling a giant breath. It wasn’t so much that he was angry with Harvey for butting into his personal life, it was the fact that the Doctor was right. And he knew it. He hadn’t been keeping the risks in mind and he hoped that at least Haley had been. With how much she worshipped her body surely she was constantly aware of anything that could alter it, he thought. God please…he felt to pray, looking up at the ceiling with longing. My Grandparents will kill me enough as it is…forgive our impulses. I really hope I didn’t get her pregnant… He squeezed his eyes closed. I didn’t mean to be so stupid. His heart thumped with worry. He would have to have a long discussion with Haley soon, but right now he needed to cool off.

He threw on his workout pants and hit the chin up bar to work out the frustration and emotions weighing on his mind.




Sunday morning came early for Emily, finding herself waking up around 5:30 and unable to fall back asleep. She watched Shane sleep peacefully for what felt like hours, running a bunch of different impending scenarios through her mind and juggling countless feelings at the same time. Yesterday was such a magical day. Shane turned into someone completely different than who she’d always known him to be; his true self shining through. He’d become the man her heart always yearned for him to be and now that he was, it couldn’t stop beating for him. He quickly became a dear friend. They made a connection, an inexpressible one, and there was no way Shane didn’t feel it too, she thought. At least, that’s what she greatly hoped. The nagging reservations about him still lingered deep within herself and she hated it. Truthfully, if she had a magic wand she would wish them all away into oblivion in a snap. Perhaps they still lingered to protect herself from heartache. A heartache she didn’t even want to think about.

Finally she just got herself up, dressed, and headed into the kitchen to make herself some breakfast.

Harvey joined her at the dining table just as she was finishing her cup of coffee. Naturally he asked about Shane and was very pleased to hear how much better he was doing, physically and emotionally. He praised Emily for her amazing gift in being able to reach Shane in a way no one else could and thanked her greatly for her help.


“I would like to give him one final check up,” he told her, “if you think he’s ready for that? Or does he need a couple of more days?”
Oh how Emily wanted to suggest they wait a couple of more days, but she had the feeling that Shane was beginning to feel stir crazy, just itching to get out of that stuffy and boring bedroom; ready to face the world again. She could sense it. I can’t keep him close to me forever. “I think it would be alright if you see him now,” she finally said. “Of course I’ll ask him first, but if yes, when are you available?”
“My schedule is pretty open these days,” Harvey wittily replied with a smile. “You just let me know when he’s ready and I’ll be there.”
She nodded.

When Emily entered the dimly lit bedroom, she found that Shane had kicked the covers off himself and was looking a little sweaty in the face. Carefully she sat down by his side and placed a caring hand upon his forehead. It didn’t feel hot, but oh how her eyes indulged in how ruggedly gorgeous he looked. Her touch made his eyes flicker open.


“Hey,” he quietly greeted, his lips forming into a smile.
“Hey.” She smiled in return. “You feeling okay?”
“Yeah…just roasting.”
“I’ll open the window in a bit here, get some of that cool, fresh air coming in.”
He nodded his head in approval.

“So hey,” she began, brushing away his bangs, “I was just talking to Harvey and…he’s kinda anxious to see how you’re doing. I can certainly understand why. I think it’s time we allow him in.”
Shane tried not to roll his eyes. He still didn’t like seeing doctors, especially with this one always being Harvey. “Ugh,” he groaned. “Do we have to?”
“He just wants to give you a clean bill of health,” she encouraged, caressing his arm. “And that would be a good thing, right?”
Shane somewhat nodded, willingly surrendering to her. There was no point in fighting with her anymore against anything that she felt was in his best interest. He would ultimately lose and…he kind of loved it. Loved her feistiness because of how much she cared. “Okay…”

Impressed, Emily’s eyebrows rose for a second and then relaxed. “Okay,” she smiled. “I’ll go fetch him now so that we can get it over with alright?” She could see the appreciation of her thoughtfulness in his eyes. “And you know…this is a great opportunity to make things right with him. I mean, if you feel ready to. If not it’s totally okay.”
“No,” he closed his eyes with a gulp. “You’re right. Best to get it all over with.”
She patted his arm proudly before standing up. “I’ll be right back.” She turned for the door.
“Wait,” he stopped, gripping her hand. “You’re not going to leave me alone in here with him are you?”
Emily turned her head in his direction, loving the way he caressed her fingers with his, imploring her to stay through his touch. “No. I’ll be here.”
He gratefully smiled.


When Harvey walked into the room, he stopped at the foot of the bed and gave Shane a wide grin. Shane struggled to meet his gaze.

“Hey Shane, it’s good to see you,” he greeted. Then he put his hands on his hips and studied the patient for a second. “You’re looking much better! I’m relieved.”
Harvey’s kindness once again wasn’t making this any easier for Shane.
“You’re feeling much better I take it?”
Shane casually nodded and when his eyes slightly met with Harvey’s he ended up doing a double take. Now he squinted intently at the Doctor. It couldn’t be helped. “You look weird,” he bluntly expressed.

Emily almost burst out laughing. “He shaved off his mustache! Isn’t it great!?” she happily blurted out. “He looks SO much better now doesn’t he? No offense Harvey…”
“None taken.”


“I guess so,” Shane shrugged. “Younger at least.” It felt kind of creepy because he knew Harvey wasn’t that much older than himself and now they looked to be the same age.
“That’s what the others said too,” Harvey slightly blushed. “Anyway,” he paused, drawing in a quick breath, “mind if I take a look at you? I want to see how you are at your best and not at your worst,” he slightly winked.
“Fine,” Shane allowed, looking away again. He could feel Emily’s gaze upon him, reminding him to behave. He sure was trying, but it was going to take some practice.

Before Harvey began, he asked Shane, “So, when was the last time you’ve seen a doctor and had a complete physical anyway?” He’d been wondering for years.
Emily’s eyebrows rose, not expecting that.
Shane’s eyebrows did the same. “Uh…I dunno. Like ten years or so. I never got any physicals though, just went in when I felt really sick.”
Harvey nodded, lifting the ear tips of the stethoscope up into his ears. “Ok. Well I’ll give you a similar check up here, I’ll just omit a few trivial things,” he said and then held the diaphragm to Shane’s belly and listened. He knew Shane still didn’t feel comfortable being around him, so he wanted to make this exam as short and simple as possible.


“Good stomach and bowel tones,” Harvey informed, returning the stethoscope to its usual place around the base of his neck. He then started lightly pressing all around Shane’s abdomen. “Let me know if it hurts anywhere.”
Shane uneasily stared at the wall, until Harvey pressed on his liver and he winced a bit.
“Sorry about that,” Harvey noticed, “could be some inflammation there, but of course we won’t know for sure until we get back home and do an ultrasound.”
Yeah I get it Harvey, my liver’s destroyed, Shane muttered in his head. At least he didn’t vocalize it like he normally would have.


With that part of the exam over, Harvey pulled up a chair beside the bed and began checking Shane’s vitals. Emily watched intently, giving Shane encouraging smiles whenever he glanced over at her. She hoped he could sense how proud she was of him, especially for not fighting Harvey on this.
“Wow,” Harvey spoke, “your pulse is great, compared to before. You’re doing well in your recovery; quicker than I was expecting.”
Shane flashed him a weak smile. He – and Harvey – couldn’t help thinking that a certain woman in the room had a lot to do with that.


“Now let’s have you sit up for a bit,” Harvey asked. When Shane did, he took a look in his eyes and mouth and then gave his heart a listen. It was pumping a little quicker than normal, but he knew the difference between nervous or anxious palpitations over Tachycardia. He wondered what might be causing Shane to feel anxious. It couldn’t simply be the check up.
“Relax. It’s just me. Boring and annoying Doctor Harvey,” he humorously added, trying to ease the tension.
Shane just closed his eyes and shook his head.
“Something on your mind?” Harvey then asked in inquiry.

In that moment, Shane looked directly at Emily, hungering for encouragement in what he was so greatly struggling to do. She gave it freely to him, with a smile and a nod. He thought about it for a couple of seconds, feeling his stomach tighten, and then swallowed, lowering his head before the Doctor. “No,” he defeatedly replied. “Just waiting for this to be over…”

Emily frowned in disappointment, but she really couldn’t hold it against him. It was a big step to take in his mental recovery, and one of the most difficult. She folded her arms while releasing a silent sigh. Maybe he isn’t quite ready, she thought.
Even Harvey felt a twinge of disappointment that Shane didn’t open up, but it was expected. “It will be soon,” he told him. “Now take a deep breath.”


Soon Shane found himself standing before Harvey, watching Harvey’s finger gradually move from side to side with only his eyes, and doing many other similar actions that felt like he was being given a sobriety test. Boy those were some great times, he sarcastically thought. At the conclusion of it, Harvey kindly directed him to sit on the bed as the exam was finished. Finally, he sighed, planting his face into his hands and rubbing at his forehead and eyes.

“Well,” Harvey sighed, joining Emily at her side and addressing her as well as to Shane, “everything looks good, nothing too alarming standing out. Although I would like to see you in my clinic as soon as we return home so we can get a deeper look at your liver, alright?”
“Uh huh,” came Shane’s muffled voice through his hands.


“I’m happy to give you a clean bill of health Shane,” Harvey concluded with a smile. Emily grinned even brighter at the fact. “Right now I recommend you continue to take it easy; one day at a time. If you need anything, don’t be afraid to ask. My door is always open.”
“Thank you Harvey,” Emily said, for the both of them.
“Hang in there alright,” Harvey continued to address Shane. “You’re doing great! I’m very impressed with your progress. I have no doubt you’ll be out and about in no time.”
Shane finally lowered his hands from his face, but didn’t acknowledge Harvey, still wrestling within himself. The opportune moment was slipping away and he really didn’t want to try and face it again.

As Emily saw the Doctor out, Shane squeezed his eyes shut and called, “Harvey wait!”

The two turned and gave Shane their undivided attention. Emily’s heart raced again with hope.

“Thank you,” Shane finally expressed, looking directly at Harvey now. “For everything. For saving my life.”

Touched by his words, Harvey smiled with deep appreciation, tears forming around his eyelids. “You are most welcome Shane. I’m glad I was able to.”


“Me too,” Shane uttered with a faint smile and began twiddling his fingers. “I guess I…shouldn’t have given you such a hard time for carrying around all those ‘drugs.’”
The three of them chuckled.
“And about that,” Shane continued, lowering his head and still working to muster up the courage. It really wasn’t supposed to be this hard. He tried to swallow the thickness in the back of his throat. “I’m…I’m sorry for…being such a jerk to you all these years. I really didn’t have any good reason to be.”


In that moment, the feeling in the room had completely changed. Each person could feel tears almost escaping their eyes, each for a different reason.

“I appreciate that Shane,” Harvey expressed. “Really, don’t worry about it. All is forgiven.”

A tear rolled down Shane’s cheek which especially made him look away from Harvey. With the floodgates open, he now felt powerless to keep from expressing his reasoning. “I guess…I despised you the most because…I was jealous of you…”

That threw Harvey for a loop. He gave Shane a disbelieving stare. “Jealous of me?


“Yes,” he painfully admitted. “You were that shining bachelor in town around the same age as me who accomplished way more in his life and had everything I could never hope to have. Sobriety, smarts, a successful career…always gaining respect from people, who didn’t immediately judge you at first glance.” He sniffed.
Emily wiped away a tear as Shane spoke, feeling deeply the sorrows of his soul. Knowing.
“Hell you could’ve had your choice over any number of women to settle down with, while I couldn’t even keep one in my life.”
“Oh well I don’t know about that…,” Harvey digressed.
“And of course you’d know how to treat a woman right,” he somberly trailed on, still staring at the wall. “Never having to worry about saying or doing something stupid to hurt her because…you’re not a habitual screw up.”


Emily lowered her head.

In that moment, Harvey stepped closer to Shane and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Shane, I’m flattered, and really rather shocked, that you hold me in such high regard, but…I’m really not that perfect guy who has everything. No one is.”
“I know that Harvey…but the fact is some people are given a better life than others.”
“That may be true, but while things might look great and prosperous on the surface of a person’s life, they’re struggling with inner demons just as real and harsh as your own. Things are not always as they seem.”
Shane groaned at that and buried his face into his hands again.
Harvey continued, leaning in closer. “You can have all those things Shane. You’re well on your way to obtaining them. You just have to learn to not let your shortcomings consume you and believe you have the ability to make all your dreams a reality. You are of a sound mind now, YOU are in control, so everything in your life from here on out will be better. Exactly what you make of it. Life still won’t be easy of course, but it will be easier to get through than before. You’ll make it all happen Shane; I know you will. You don’t have to carry those same fears and insecurities anymore.”


Emily tearfully smiled at Harvey, with a thankful heart. She joyfully watched – never thinking she would ever see the day – as the two men exchanged a handshake of gratitude. Harvey patted Shane on the back before turning to leave. He stopped before Emily and gave off a slight “I hope that helped” shrug. She swiftly took him into a hug. “Thank you,” she whispered.

When Harvey was gone, Emily crouched down before Shane and affectionately placed her hands on his forearms. “See! That wasn’t so bad!” she gleefully expressed as his eyes met with hers. “I knew Harvey would totally be cool and understanding.”
Shane gave her a half smile.
“And that was a beautiful apology. I’m so proud of you!” She wanted more than anything to cup his face in her hands and kiss him, but tenderly brushed the bangs away from his eyes instead. “You wanna get some lunch?”


“No,” he replied. “Honestly I just wanna sleep.”
Emily nodded. She could only imagine how much all that took out of him. “Okay…well I’ll leave then so you can do that.”
“Stay with me,” he asked, gripping her hand again just as he did before when she stood to leave his bedside. “It just feels kinda strange…not having you in here with me.”
Emily’s cheeks brightened as she smiled.
“But if you’re hungry and want to eat then go right on ahead. I–”
“No, I’m not that hungry.”

Hearing that, he gave her an appreciative gaze and then promptly laid himself upon the bed, patting it behind him, implying that she join.

Emily wasn’t entirely sure if that’s what he was suggesting – her wildly fluttering heart sure wishing it was – because it seemed such an unusual request from him. However, given the mental wrestling match he had just been through, maybe he was desiring some closeness with his new friend. To help him feel more at peace. That made sense. So, with a tiny hint of reservation, she slipped onto the bed beside him and spread herself out until their bodies touched. Once again it felt electrifying. She wondered if it might be best that she turn her back towards him instead of spooning him – would that be too intimate? – but she swore she heard a faint, just hold me, spoken in his voice.

Whether he actually vocalized it or not she could feel that’s what his soul was desiring. So she carefully wrapped her arm around his waist and to her surprise he welcomed it, resting his arm upon hers and weaving his fingers into her own. Within a minute or two, he started breathing deeply, sound asleep.


Emily couldn’t sleep though. Her racing heart just wouldn’t settle down, too overfilled with joy.

The second week in this strange new world could not have ended in any better of a way, in her mind.


Next Chapter —->

3 Responses to Chapter 10

  1. I’ll put the songs I associate with each chapter – or in this case, each scene – here in the comments instead of in an Author’s Note below. 😉
    I had this song in mind when Abigail was out practicing her magic. 😁
    “Watch Me Shine” – Joanna Pacitti

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 💕THIS SONG!💕 Totally Emily and Shane’s song. (More like Shane’s thinking it, but… 😉 )
    Give it a listen. It’s just so PERFECT! ⭐💖
    “Your Arms Feel Like Home” – 3 Doors Down

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  3. Oh and this song was totally popping into my head when I was writing Harvey and Penny’s heated kissing there on the picnic blanket. 😊 Not sure exactly why THIS song…I guess it’s cause they were burning with desire for each other. 💕
    “Burning For You” -Blue Oyster Cult

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