Making over Brandontaylor’s Ava Sinclair

Brandontaylor from the Sims forum asked if anyone would like to makeover one of his favorite lady sims: Ava Sinclair. πŸ™‚ Naturally I had to throw my hat in the ring because I LOVE doing makeovers! πŸ˜€

During this makeover I FINALLY figured out how to use lights in the game (where to place them properly) in my favor for Photoshoots in Live mode like so many other talented Simmers do and I’m so proud of myself! πŸ˜€

I doubt you want to hear any more details about the makeover and want me to just get on with it! πŸ˜› So allow me to show you Ava’s BEFORE look:

She’s already a very pretty sim in my opinion so it was a tiny bit of a challenge thinking on how I could make her over when she already looks nice. πŸ™‚

After new hair and makeup, here’s how she looks now:

I went with some blue highlights in her hair to bring out her stunningly gorgeous blue eyes!


And now without further adieu I present to y’all the NEW…Ava Sinclair. πŸ˜€

Here’s some fashion music to listen to if you want while viewing. Hee hee!


Everyday wear:




Formal wear:



(I did these ones a little special just for Brandon.Β :blush:Β )




^Sighing and waiting for her man to return home. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›

Athletic wear:



^I wanted to catch her looking all good while exercising, but…sims don’t make the best face expressions when they are exercisingΒ :lol:Β so this was the best shot I got. πŸ˜‰

Swimwear:Β :smirk:




At this point I was like, “Sc’rew the poses and just capture some in game, natural movements.” πŸ˜›


^Hee hee!Β :lol:Β Showing her tough side I guess…

And lastly, Outerwear:



^This one is a favorite of mine. ❀


And that concludes my makeover of the lovely Ava Sinclair.Β :blush:

Keep calm and Sim on my friends. πŸ™‚




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2 Responses to Making over Brandontaylor’s Ava Sinclair

  1. freja64 says:

    Love the highlights and the lighting is also impeccable. Hard to enhance an already pretty sim, but you’ve succeeded 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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